“Eat Stop Eat Progressions” – My Compound Training Program

Written by: Brad Pilon

It was in 2010 that I launched the idea of a style of weight training called ‘compound cluster cycles”.

Since then I have tried over and over to:

A) Make Anabolic Again even better.


B) Make it so everyone could use it (The original program was only for advanced lifters).

While I still have not been able to best the results I got with Anabolic Again, I have made the exact same gains using much less volume (less sets and less exercises per workout), and I’ve found ways to make Compound Cluster Cycles work for everyone, beginner or advanced, men or women.

The actual concept sounds pretty scary – you train upper body or lower body for a week at a time, alternating weeks.

As an example:

Week 1: Upper Body
Week 2: Lower Body
Week 3: Upper Body

As scary as it sounds, it’s not nearly as hard as it’s made out to be, and the results have been nothing short of amazing for me, and I’m finally happy enough with the program to release it to you.

To give you an idea, here is my progression since January:

The 1st Number is the weight I used in pounds.
The 2nd Number is the amount of reps I completed in my first Attempt.
The 3rd Number is the amount of time I took me to complete 30 controlled reps.

*The goal is to increase the second number while decreasing the 3rd number.
*Every time I reached 20 reps in my first attempt, I upped the weight.

Obviously, I started off very poor at high rep squatting, but as you’ll see it only took 8 weeks to get to a level that I’d consider to be respectable.



135 14 / 3 min 30 sec

135 17 / 3 min 15 sec

135 19 / 3 min 10 sec

135 20 / 3 min 5 sec*



185 17 / 3 min 33 sec

185 18 / 3 min 20 sec

185 21 / 2 min 51 sec*

195 15 / 3 min 50 sec



145 15 / 3 min 35 sec

145 17 / 3 min 22 sec

145 18 / 3 min 20 sec

145 21 / 2 min 51 sec*



195 17 / 3 min 45 sec

195 18 / 3 min 22 sec

195 18 / 3 min 18 sec

195 20 / 3 min 05 sec*



155 21 / 3 min 10 sec*

165 15 / 3 min 50 sec

165 19 / 3 min 25 sec

165 20 / 3 min 20 sec*



205 15 / 4 min 40 sec

205 15 / 3 min 20 sec

205 16 / 3 min 27 sec

205 17 / 3 min 15 sec



175 14 / 4 min 10 sec

175 17 / 4 min 0 sec

175 18 / 3 min 34 sec

175 21 / 3 min 22 sec*



205 18 / 3 min 2 sec

205 18 / 3 min 0 sec

205 20 / 2 min 55 sec*

215 16 / 3 min 45 sec


185 14 / 5 min 0 sec

185 16 / 4 min 18 sec

185 18 / 4 min 10 sec

185 20 / 3 min 55 sec*



215 18 / 3 min 45 sec

215 20 / 3 min 40 sec*

225 14 / 3 min 50 sec

225 15 / 3 min 45 sec

While these strength improvements are impressive, you may be wondering how they translate into actual muscle size… well here are my measurements:


Here are my measurements on Jan 1st

Fasted Bodyweight: 174

Neck: 16 inches
Shoulders: 49.5 inches
Chest: 42 inches
Waist: 33 inches
Hips: 39 inches
Thigh at 5 inches above kneecap: 20 inches
Thigh at 10 inches above kneecap: 23.5 inches
Calf: 15 inches
Right Bicep: 16 inches
Forearm: 12.5 inches


And here are my March 29th Measurements

Fasted Body weight :176.5
Neck: 16 inches
Shoulders: 50 inches
Chest: 42.25 inches
Waist: 33 inches
Hips: 40 inches
Thigh at 5 inches above kneecap: 21.5 inches
Thigh at 10 inches above kneecap: 24.5 inches
Calf: 15.5 inches
Right Bicep: 16 inches
Forearm: 12.5 inches

For me, these are some substantial improvements in my legs, and some decent improvements in my upper body…


This is the best evidence I can give you – a workout that kept my attention for over 10 weeks, and that kept me from getting injured, and that helped me make accelerated improvements that I am really happy with.

It’s designed for both men and women, and has programming for the beginner and the advanced lifter. You do need access to some weights (this is not a body weight training program).

To learn more about it, please => CLICK HERE





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