Eat STOP Eat – Intermittent Fasting Revolution
Quick links: Why Eat Stop Eat Works | What makes Eat Stop Eat Different | Try Eat Stop Eat | Eat Stop Eat FAQs
From the Desk of: Brad Pilon, intermittent fasting researcher, Msc & BaSc, Human Nutrition
Dear, Friend
Would you like to know how to lose fat without changing the foods you eat?
Are you looking for a 100% natural way to improve your health and feel better?
Do you want to get lean while not sacrificing your muscle or energy levels?
If you said ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then you’re in the right place.
My name is Brad Pilon, I’m the author of best-selling intermittent fasting book “Eat Stop Eat”.
…and on this page I’m going to tell you how you can change your body and your health with the simple Eat Stop Eat method of intermittent fasting.
So, Why Does Eat Stop Eat Work?
The issue that prevents most would-be dieters from seeing long-term weight loss results is not their metabolism or their genetics.
The simple truth… is that it’s very hard to change the way you eat.
And here in lies the major problem with traditional diets –
When you eventually “mess up” (even a little bit) they makes you feel like a failure.
This is why Eat Stop Eat style of Intermittent Fasting has been incredibly successful at helping so many people to achieve sustainable results.
It gives you the opportunity for multiple small “wins” through out the weeks and months.
But What is Intermittent Fasting?
Well to start, here is my simple definition of fasting:
“The act of willingly abstaining from all food, and is some cases drink, for a pre-determined period of time.”
The key word in this definition is “willingly” as it is the difference between fasting and starving.
The other phrase that is super important is “pre-determined period of time”. With a fast you know when it’s going to end.
Also, people can drink the follwing liquids when fasting:
- Water
- Black Coffee
- Herbal and green teas
- Special fasting teas like 'ESE Tea' (click here for details)
- Diet Soda (in moderation)
- Sparkling Water
- Or any drink that is close to zero calories
Fact: Fasting is the simplest method our body has for maintaining its caloric balance.
Fact: It’s OK to take the occasional break from eating every now and again.
Intermittent fasting is the style of eating where you perform a short-term fast, followed by a period of eating, followed by more fasting.
I have found that 24 hours to be the most practical from of intermittent fasting for the purpose of losing body fat while maintaining lean muscle.
The point is if you are intermittent fasting, and resistance training while keeping your fasting diet flexible, you are doing it right.
You may be wondering…
If Intermittent Fasting Is So Great, Why Aren’t We All Doing It?
- Lose weight from your body fat
- Decrease inflammation
- Improve metabolic profile
- Improved insulin sensitivity
- Reduced need for obsessive compulsive eating
While these benefits are impressive, the vast majority of people have fallen prey for some of the viscous slander that has plagued fasting diets for years.
Luckily, that’s all it is…slander.
Being in a Fasted State for Short Periods of Time (12-72 hours) Will not Decrease Your Metabolism
The combination of caloric restriction with resistance exercises has been proven to be very effective at preserving your muscle mass.
Men on prolonged (years) of extremely low calorie diets do see a reduced testosterone level.
This is part of the reason why overly restrictive diets fail.
Testosterone levels are actually highest during the Morning after an overnight fast.
After thoroughly reviewing the available research, I found that short term fasting does NOT negatively affect testosterone levels.
The fact that intermittent fasting does not decrease testosterone is important for two reasons.
Firstly, it is an important step in preventing any loss of muscle mass, and secondly testosterone plays an important role in fat loss.
Another “anabolic” hormone that actually has potent fat loss effects is Growth Hormone – otherwise known as GH.
The role of Growth Hormone in fat loss is covered extensively in chapter 15 of Eat Stop Eat, however here is a brief synopsis:
Fat must be released from our body fat, transported through your system, to a cellular engine where it will be burned as a fuel.
For fat to be released from your fat stores to things to happen:
- Insulin levels must be decreased
- Growth hormones levels must be increased
Fasting for as little as 24 hours has been shown to drastically reduce your insulin levels while increasing your Growth Hormone levels.
To be clear, in as little as 12-24 hours of fasting your fat burning increases, helping your body use your body fat as a fuel.
There is very little chance of you suffering from “low blood sugar” during a 24 hour fast.
So from this simple review of the research behind Eat Stop Eat we can see that it won’t decrease your metabolism and it won’t cause you to lose precious muscle mass.
It WILL cause you to lose body fat, and as long as you don’t go crazy with how much you eat on the days you are not fasting, this fat loss will be as permanent as fat can be.
What makes Eat Stop Eat style Intermittent Fasting different?
Well, it’s designed so you can fast for 24 hours once or twice a week, while still never going a day without eating.
Eat Stop Eat is also about just being flexible in general.
And the real benefit of Eat Stop Eat is being able to eat that Cinnabon or chocolate chip cookie Guilt Free.
With the Eat Stop Eat lifestyle we fast so we can enjoy our foods when we do eat.
This is SUPER important:
With Eat Stop Eat here is no mandate to stop eating the foods you love, to clean out your kitchen or to never eat carbs or fat again.
There is no need for cheat days or binge days. In fact Eat Stop Eat does not involve binging, guilty feeling about food, or using fasting as a form of punishment.
And here’s a really cook thing about fasting – Many people report that food actually tastes BETTER after a fast!
Now that’s a win!
Of all the different ways in which you can fast I believe Eat Stop Eat takes the best advantage of the “intermittent” part of intermittent fasting.
Eat Stop Eat has been set up to be a form of intermittent fasting that is adaptable to almost any lifestyle.
It is highly adaptable aspects of Eat Stop Eat the allow people to use Eat Stop Eat to lose weight, and it’s what allows them to keep the weight off for years afterwards.
And You Don’t Worry If You Can’t Fast For 24 Hours Every Time
There is still a benefit to fasting for 16 hours, just as there is no real harm in fasting for 30 hours.
The point is, as long as you’re fasting intermittently while keeping your lifestyle flexible, you’re doing Eat Stop Eat.
Think along the lines of using Eat Stop Eat as a LONG TERM strategy to get lean quickly, and as a way to STAY lean.
By using flexible intermittent fasting diet like Eat Stop Eat you basically take advantage of a “metabolic loophole”.
Lose fat, keep muscle, all while doing nothing – it doesn’t get much easier that this!
No cooking, no eating, no worrying about what you eat or when you’re going to eat.
To start losing weight with Eat Stop Eat diet right now, just choose an option below:
Ladies: Click Here to Learn the Exact Strategy to be 3 Pounds Lighter Tomorrow Morning — And 5 Pounds Lighter by Next Friday — WITHOUT Changing Your Regular Diet
Men: Click here to uncover how ONE simple change to the way you already eat will help you lose weight, get rid off stubborn belly fat and naturally boost growth hormone – all while building lean muscle mass.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you drink juice on Eat Stop Eat?
The answer is no. With Eat Stop Eat style of fasting, you are supposed to consume as little calories as possible for 24 hours.
Juice is actually very high in calories and high in sugar. When you’re doing juice fast, you’re actually doing is a very low calorie diet using juice but for the Eat Stop Eat purposes there should be no juice during those 24-hour periods.
If I start the Eat Stop Eat diet, how quickly will I lose weight?
It is a dietary truism that you can’t take off in a day what you put on over years. With the Eat Stop Eat lifestyle, you should be able to lose weight at a rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week.
However, for people who are exceptionally lean (under 9% for men and under 19% for women) weight loss tends to be slower, generally between 0.5 to 1 pound per week.
What can I drink on Eat Stop Eat?
You can drink anything that’s a low calorie beverage. The point is to keep your fasts as low-calorie as possible. You can have black coffee, any teas, water, even sparkling or flavored water.
You cannot have juice because juice is actually fairly high in calories but drinking anything you like that’s a low calorie beverage is fine during your fasts.
Can I fast every other day or three times a week?
Eat Stop Eat is based on flexible intermittent fasting where you fast for 24 hours once or twice a week.
So there’s nothing wrong either physically or metabolically with fasting every other day or three times a week.
The reason I don’t recommend going above twice a week is because I like the ease and flexibility of fasting only once or twice a week. It allows you to move your fast around and use your fast around your life as opposed to trying to shape your lives around your fast.
What this gives you is a large amount of flexibility which means you can stay on a diet for a long period of time. And the longer you can stay on the diet the better results you’re going to get.
There’s nothing wrong with fasting every other day or three times a week except for the fact that it gets very difficult, very quickly. The ESE style is meant for longevity, so you can achieve LONG-TERM weight loss results and health benefits.
How to stop overeating after a fast?
First of all, look for easy fixes and don’t worry about hormones and specific macronutrients. Just think about something really simple you can do.
The number one solution for people who tend to have issues with overeating after their fast is to start fasting later in the day.
If you typically fast from 2 p.m. to 2 p.m, then switch it up and do 7 p.m. to 7 p.m. or even 8 p.m. to 8 p.m.
When your fast is finished, your goal is to eat well and not overeat for the 2 or 3 hours before you go to bed. The overnight part will help you to get rid of all your cravings, so you can start the next day off on a nice note.
So if you have some extra urges to eat after the fast or feel like you deserve some more food or just craving – try the later fasts and then you really only have 3 hours of a willpower battle. Eat what you normally would eat at that time and then just think about keeping it under control until you go to bed.
Do I need to take a multi-vitamin on the days that I am fasting?
If you like taking multi-vitamins then by all means, continue to do so; they will not negatively affect the health benefits of fasting. Sometimes, they may need to be taken with food if you get nauseous. Since with Eat Stop Eat, you never go a day without eating, that is easily accommodated.
Will fasting affect my menstrual cycle?
Generally the answer is no, even longer fasts have been shown to have little impact on the menstrual cycle of normal weight women.
There is research, however, to suggest that longer fasts (72 hours) can affect the menstrual cycle of exceptionally lean women (body fat levels well below 20%).
For this reason I do not recommend fasting for longer than 24 hours, and as always, if you do discover menstrual irregularities while losing weight please see your medical doctor or health care practitioner.
How to make Eat Stop Eat work?
Here’s a great tip for making Eat Stop Eat fasts work for you. The point of the Eat Stop Eat plan is keeping your fasts flexible. That’s why it is spread over two days. So, if you tend to get tired on your fasts, you can always adjust when you started fasting.
You can try fasting from 10 a.m. to 10 a.m. or noon to noon or to 7:00 to 7:00 – it really doesn’t matter. You still get the same benefits, so experiment with different times to see which one works best for you.
Eat Stop Eat Scientific References
There are over 380 peer-reviewed published scientific studies in Eat Stop Eat. It is based on incredibly sound PUBLISHED scientific literature.
Eat Stop Eat Publications
The Eat Stop Eat way of intermittent fasting received a lot of attention from multiple online newspapers and magazines, like Women’s Health, Healthline, Medical News Today, the Daily Express, Men’s Health, The Daily Mail, Observer, The Washington Post, New York Post and many others.

Eat Stop Eat plan was also mentioned in the Canadian Medical Association Journal