5 Exercising Tips While Intermittent Fasting

Written by: Ioannis Nikitidis, MD, MSc

Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular health programs for individuals who want to lose weight by controlling when they eat. While this program introduces a big change to your lifestyle as you get to eat fewer calories and skip meals during fasting periods, it still provides room for exercising. Here are five exercising tips while intermittent fasting.

1. Do the right type of exercise

What is your motivation for exercising? Would you love to lose weight faster, or are you keen on building muscles? Depending on your fitness goals, you need to choose the right type of exercise that will enable you to fulfill your objectives. If you want to stay fit and lose weight quickly, light workouts like yoga, walking, and low-intensity cardio sessions will suit your needs.

On the other hand, high-intensity workouts are your best bet if you aim to build muscles and attain a strong core. One of the most fantastic cardiovascular exercises you can opt for is the plank jacks, and mastering the tips for doing them will see you attain desirable results quicker.

2. Properly time your exercises

Once you have decided on the right type of exercise, the next crucial step is determining the best times for exercising. There are three considerations that you should carefully analyze, and these are:

  • Training before your fuelling window. This is an ideal option if you can perform best on an empty stomach. It is an excellent choice if you want to burn more fat as your body will turn to your stored fuel, which happens to be glycogen and stored fat for energy and calories.
  • Training during your fuelling window. This is highly recommended if you will be engaging in high-intensity workouts and are keen on building your muscles. It is equally viable for individuals who cannot perform well on an empty stomach, even for low-intensity exercise.
  • Training after your fuelling window. If you have shorter fasting hours, exercising after your fuelling window is a great way to have the energy for more intensive exercise without worrying about overstraining your body.

3. Stay hydrated

Never undermine the importance of staying hydrated while exercising, especially while intermittent fasting. You need to regain the fluids you lose while sweating as fast as possible, and for extra energy, natural electrolyte drinks are a great option over sugary sports drinks.

4. Complement your exercises by eating proper meals

One of the reasons intermittent fasting works is it helps you to regulate the amount of calories you consume naturally. If you include exercises in your program, your body’s calorie demands change, and it is vital to make up for these new body demands. This is especially critical if you will be engaged in high-intensity workouts as you will need a meal that contains more carbs, proteins, and unsaturated fats.

5. Listen to your body

You need to adjust while intermittent fasting by constantly listening to your body. If you feel dizzy or weak, you need to stop exercising to avoid harming your body.


Following a proper exercising guideline while intermittent fasting is the safest way to make the most out of this program, and these tips will help you develop a foolproof schedule.

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